Flavour of the week

The burdock is out along the bank of the Avon at Stratford, and this afternoon it was swarming with butterflies, most of which were Commas. I didn’t know before today that Commas find burdock nectar irresistible, but it must be … Continued

Speed Feeding Champion

The third day of the Alternative Olympic Games came to a  thrilling climax this afternoon, with the finals of the 1m Speed Feed (Bees, solitary) competition. As had been predicted by most pundits, this came down to a head-to-head between … Continued

Sex and violence

I was watching a Wool Carder noodling through the hedge woundwort, thinking that it was smaller than I remembered, and half-forming the thought that it might be a female, when a second one swooped in and pounced. I think it … Continued


My bug hunts today yielded two especially nice finds, either of which I’d have been very happy to blip. After the usual bout of indecision this evening, I’ve finally decided to post both of them. This is a pristine male … Continued