I’ve chosen this image for today because it has a peaceful sort of fluffy-clouds-in-a-sunny-sky vibe about it, though you don’t have to look hard to see that this is an illusion: the blue in the bokeh is reflected sky on … Continued
I set off for Trench Wood this afternoon, got to within half a mile of Bidford, and discovered that the road was closed because some absolute weapon had crashed into the bridge, cracking it down to the water line. This … Continued
That moment when you find you’ve bitten off a bit more than you can comfortably chew, and swallowing your latest victim becomes a full body commitment. Or alternatively, when you decide to save time in your busy schedule by multitasking … Continued
After spending the morning sorting out financial stuff at my desk I decided it was time to tackle the small mountain of errands I’d amassed, so I devised a round-Warwickshire tour that would encompass them all. Somehow it also managed … Continued