It was a pretty horrible day, weather-wise: dark, cold, windy, and somehow wet without ever properly raining. I thought about going for a walk, but… got no further than that. I could have given myself a shake and forced myself … Continued
With the weather forecast to deteriorate steadily through the day I thought that it wouldn’t be sensible to stray too far from home, so I just went over to Charlecote and walked around the park. It was heavily overcast and … Continued
Here is the story of my day at the owl field: Weather: fine; mainly sunny Temperature: 5°C, but feeling like 2°C due to windchill Wind: North-easterly; 8mph, gusting to 16mph Owls seen: 0 Birds photographed: 3 Photos taken: 66 Photos … Continued
R and I were in Stratford this morning, where it was a pretty dreary day, and my resolve to go up to the owl field after we’d finished what we had to do in town was looking questionable. It looked … Continued
R and I went to Slimbridge this morning, to collect the Boy Wonder for a sleepover, and as we approached the car park we could see a group of photographers standing in the gateway of the field which the local … Continued