
posted in: Birds, Gloucestershire | 0

“What are they?” he enquired. “Siskins,” I replied, smiling. “Hmmm,” he said. “I’m not so sure. Goldfinches, maybe.” “There are a few Goldfinches,” I said. “But most of them are Siskins.” “Hmmm. Greenfinches, possibly.” I checked the back of my … Continued


posted in: Birds, Iceland, Travel, Warwickshire | 0

Despite being the type species for the genus Cygnus, Whooper Swans aren’t all that common in the UK – in fact this is only the third time I’ve recorded them in the past seven years, which is as far as … Continued


posted in: Birds, Gloucestershire | 0

If you read descriptions of the diets of different wading birds, they quite often say: “something, something, something… and small fish” – but in my (admittedly relatively limited) birding experience it’s rare to see one actually taking a small fish. … Continued