Glossy Ibis
R and I went to Slimbridge this morning, to collect the Boy Wonder for a sleepover, and as we approached the car park we could see a group of photographers standing in the gateway of the field which the local … Continued
R and I went to Slimbridge this morning, to collect the Boy Wonder for a sleepover, and as we approached the car park we could see a group of photographers standing in the gateway of the field which the local … Continued
A snap decision late this morning to go to Slimbridge paid ample dividends, because the reserve was teeming with birds. The Bewick’s Swans are assembling now after their long migration from Russia, and the winter duck and wader flocks are … Continued
The Boy Wonder is staying with R and me for the weekend, for the first time in over six months. This morning we rendezvoused with L in the car park at Slimbridge to make the handover (which seemed to involve … Continued
This reminds me of the cover shot for one of those annoying Sunday supplement articles about people whose publicists have managed to convince the writer that they’re some kind of up-and-coming Thing. Perhaps I should have called it Ten Snipe … Continued
After yesterday’s dour day, this morning dawned sunny and warm, and I made a snap decision to go to Slimbridge. I had a good time and recorded forty one species, including three that were new for the year and one … Continued
After handing the Boy Wonder back to his father in the car park at Slimbridge, I went in search of coffee and birds. The coffee, as per, was pretty grim, but the birds were good, even though I didn’t manage … Continued
I wouldn’t usually post a photo of a captive animal when I have perfectly good bee photos that I took in the garden at home before setting off out, but R and the Boy Wonder met the otters at Slimbridge … Continued