Today was a bit of a red-letter day, as R and I made our first trip to Wales in over eight months. We managed to get there early enough to have some time with the Baby Brother before going off … Continued
L brought the Boy Wonder over for a visit today, and H trekked down from the Frozen North to join us as well. The Boy had been ill in the night, owing to a surfeit of party food yesterday, and … Continued
The Boy Wonder brought his mother to see us again today, and so as to give L the time and space to do some work R and I offered to take the Boy to Stratford Butterfly Farm. We had a … Continued
As you may know, it’s World Book Day today, so all the children in the Boy Wonder’s class went to nursery school dressed up as various fictional characters. When the Offspring were at school I dreaded and railed against these … Continued
When the Boy Wonder arrived home from school he asked for a cookie, and I offered him a dark chocolate ginger biscuit. “Mmmm,” he said appreciatively after taking a bite. “Spicy. Can I have another one?” “Finish that one first,” … Continued
After lunch the Boy Wonder asked to go to the park, and for the first time chose to walk all the way there. By the time we were about a hundred metres from the gate he was clearly flagging, but … Continued
“Now remember,” I said, “this is a car park, and car parks are dangerous because there are people driving every which way, and some of them are paying more attention to the other cars than to people.” “But,” said the … Continued