New Year’s Eve
R and I went to Stratford for lunch today, as we like to do on New Year’s Eve. At the third time of trying we finally managed a meal at the Turquoise Kitchen (the previous two bookings having had to … Continued
R and I went to Stratford for lunch today, as we like to do on New Year’s Eve. At the third time of trying we finally managed a meal at the Turquoise Kitchen (the previous two bookings having had to … Continued
This morning H and S set off back to the Frozen North (H still a bit under the weather with what now looks pretty clearly like a virus), and suddenly the house was huge and empty. So R and I … Continued
The Cardiff crew managed to depart the Shire at lunchtime, despite multiple delaying tactics by the Boy Wonder. His word of the day is “alleyway”, which he learned this morning when R and I walked over to the Airbnb and … Continued
We had a lovely afternoon with my sister and my two nephews, whom I don’t see nearly often enough. The Boy Wonder was a little shy at first – “They worried me at first, because they were huge men,” he … Continued
The Cardiff contingent arrived in the Shire this morning, bringing fun and chaos with them. Because the addition of Grandson Two to their menage has sent bed pressures at our house critical, they’re renting an Airbnb a few minutes walk … Continued
Time was when I’d have been on the receiving end of a strop for pointing a camera at my son, but these days he’s as chilled as you’d expect a jazz musician to be, even when I accost him pre-breakfast. … Continued