I nipped up to the owl field early, arriving to lovely light but no owls. On the plus side, as I wandered around the perimeter of the field I spotted a Lesser Redpoll – a bird I’d never seen on … Continued
As the Boy Wonder and I were walking towards the park, he stopped to admire a roller that was parked close to where a piece of road is being dug up, and asked what it was for. I explained that … Continued
I started the day at the little wetland reserve Stratford District Council have established off the Warwick Road, but there was very little going on – there were a few Long-tailed Tits in the spinney, which wouldn’t stay still to have … Continued
It was cold, and becoming stormy, when I arrived in Stratford this afternoon, and the churchyard birds were desperate for food. But unlike many of the ‘regulars’ this little Blue Tit was too suspicious of me to approach the seed … Continued