Fun times
My game plan for this weekend had involved being out in the garden with the Boy Wonder for as much of it as possible, but (somehow almost inevitably) the weather let us down. When the overnight heavy rain reduced to … Continued
Since starting at nursery school the Boy Wonder’s confidence is increasing by the day, and it’s clear that he’s very much enjoying being three. This afternoon at the playground he suddenly announced that he wanted to try the balance beams, … Continued
The Boy Wonder being three, and living in Wales, he now receives ten hours per week of free nursery school education, and R and I collected him from school for the first time today. Seeing him rush towards us, beaming … Continued
The Boy Wonder seemed pretty much back to his usual self today, which was a) lovely to see, and b) a relief. As well as playing multiple rounds of hide ‘n’ seek around the house we spent a couple of … Continued
When R and I arrived in Cardiff this morning and turned into the road where we always park, the Boy Wonder and his mother were waiting at the end of it, and when he saw who was getting out of … Continued