Learning new skills

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Since starting at nursery school the Boy Wonder’s confidence is increasing by the day, and it’s clear that he’s very much enjoying being three. This afternoon at the playground he suddenly announced that he wanted to try the balance beams, which he’s previously ignored, and he worked away at them until his little legs were so tired he could barely step up onto the blocks. “We have to do it four more times!” he said, coming off the end of the second beam and running back to the far end of the first one. And then, “Now we have to do it six more times!” He was using the plural because he still needs a grandparental hand to help him balance, but I think it won’t be long before he can manage this fixed beam on his own. The second one, which is strung from ropes and therefore wobbles, will doubtless take a little longer.

I casually suggested that now he was so confident on the beams he might want to try the rope bridge that connects two sections of the climbing frame, and though he’s always been scared of this in the past he immediately trotted off, climbed up, and marched across it. “Look at you,” I said, “learning new skills!” “Yes I am,” he said proudly. “I am learning new skills!” And then, “It’s quite all right, ackshully, as long as you don’t put your ankle in the holes.”

In other news: B minor is now thirteen days old, and visibly expanding – he’s virtually grown out of his “newborn” babygrows already. The Boy Wonder is going to need to keep up his protein intake if he wants to carry on being the Big Brother.