Flight practice
This morning H and S set off back to the Frozen North (H still a bit under the weather with what now looks pretty clearly like a virus), and suddenly the house was huge and empty. So R and I … Continued
This morning H and S set off back to the Frozen North (H still a bit under the weather with what now looks pretty clearly like a virus), and suddenly the house was huge and empty. So R and I … Continued
Before meeting up with R in Stratford for lunch, I walked along the river in search of either dragons or winter ducks, but sadly found neither. I did have a couple of thrilling views of one of the local Kingfishers … Continued
R had an appointment in Stratford this morning, and I tagged along so as to avoid all the work waiting for me at home. I didn’t get where I am today by being diligent. While R was busy I went … Continued
After a busy morning at home I decided to ignore a dubious weather forecast and risk a trip to the owl field. The further south I went the better the light got and the more my spirits lifted, right until … Continued