Blue Chaser

Wait – what? Blue, you say? But… he’s red…? Well, yes, at the moment he’s red – or reddish, at any rate. But as he matures his thorax will darken through brown to black, his abdomen will acquire a coating … Continued

Him and her

posted in: Arachnids, Bugs, Invertebrates, Worcestershire | 0

I went to Trench Wood today, in search of mini-beasts. When I arrived home I told R the best thing I’d found had been my friend RC, who I haven’t seen for several weeks, and with whom it was nice … Continued


I know that I’ve posted a few of these Red-legged Shieldbugs recently, but I simply can’t resist this fabulous beast, which I swept out of the Lawson cypress this morning. Given the proximity of the cypress to the willow-leaved cotoneaster … Continued


I had a busy and productive day today: I cooked a batch of curry for the freezer, did some domestic accounts, filed a huge pile of paperwork, and (with R’s help) cleaned up the filing system on my little Windows … Continued