I was pretty tired today after all the gadding about of the past three days, but it was warm and the light was good, and not knowing how many days like that we might have left to us this year, … Continued
I went to Trench Wood today, in search of beetles and bugs, and found a couple of species I’d never photographed there before. The main image is a Gorse Shieldbug, which was by far the more unexpected of the two, … Continued
The devil’s-bit scabious is in full flower at Trench Wood right now, and with the continuing warm weather keeping the numbers of nectar-feeding insects high, today it was in high demand. While this was good for my purposes in that … Continued
My increasingly grumpy and pessimistic search for the 30th Odonata species of my summer took me back to Grafton Wood again this morning. Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike this reserve? Oh, right. In that case, you probably … Continued
I went to Trench Wood today, in search of mini-beasts. When I arrived home I told R the best thing I’d found had been my friend RC, who I haven’t seen for several weeks, and with whom it was nice … Continued