I know that for some of you two spiders in four days would amount to two too many spiders ever, but I’d like to point out that however big he looks on your screen, in the flesh he’s only about … Continued
It rained for most of the day, and I used the time when I’d otherwise most probably have been out and about to catch up on some of the backlog of photo processing, bug recording, and general admin that has … Continued
I’m still struggling with post-viral malaise, and couldn’t find the strength and willpower to go out and about today. Luckily the garden provided me with a few nice inverts, of which this female Nigma walckenaeri was one. I’ve put a … Continued
Today’s blip is something of an oddity – I wouldn’t normally post something that can only be seen as indistinctly as this. And I’m sure we’d all prefer to see the gory details of the predation that’s taking place behind … Continued