
“What are you going to do for your nine-year thingy?” enquired R yesterday. “Oh, bugger,” I said. “I’d completely forgotten.” And then, “I’m going to go to Trench Wood, and find nine interesting invertebrates.” Several things occur to me about … Continued


R and I went to Croome this morning, where the Odonata season is finally warming up. There were scores of damselflies in evidence, including a large number of tenerals, and – finally – some dragonflies too. The reed bed that … Continued

Fat-bottomed boy

“Why don’t you go to Grove Hill?” said R, who hasn’t got where he is today without being able to recognise a wife who’d be more loveable were she several miles away. Last summer I was a little surprised that … Continued

Broad bodied

I walked around Trench Wood this afternoon, looking specifically for butterflies and dragons, and trying to ignore everything else. I found nine different kinds of butterfly, including Silver-washed Fritillaries and White Admirals, and several different moths including a very chic … Continued

Large Skipper

I went to one of my happy places this morning – realising, to my surprise, that it was my first visit to Trench Wood in many months. The weather was lovely, the plant life was lush, and the place was … Continued