A tale of two hours
After being stuck in the house for most of the past three days I was raging to be out and about, so when we opened the curtains on sunshine this morning my first words to R were “Owl day!” “Go,” … Continued
After being stuck in the house for most of the past three days I was raging to be out and about, so when we opened the curtains on sunshine this morning my first words to R were “Owl day!” “Go,” … Continued
After being stuck at home for nearly forty eight hours I was raging to be out and about, but the weather outside my study window wasn’t enticing, and neither of my weather apps was optimistic. By this point in the … Continued
This is the largest UK species in the Empididae family, which are commonly called dagger flies, balloon flies or sometimes dance flies. The first of these names is the one that makes most sense to me, because they mostly have … Continued
The corn bunting is a red-listed bird in the UK, meaning that it’s regarded as severely endangered, because its population has declined by 90% over the past half century. This is almost entirely due to changes in farming practice, with … Continued
After yesterday’s rather dour day, this morning dawned crisp and sunny, and R and I cracked and took a trip to Croome in the car (mine) that already doesn’t have enough fuel for a return journey to Cardiff. While I’m … Continued
This morning I took both cameras and long and short lenses, and went to stake out the pond I discovered yesterday. I couldn’t believe my luck when this male Common Darter settled on the blackberries – I couldn’t reach him … Continued
Well. This was a lucky find. And I’m not even talking about the female speckled bush cricket in the centre of this rather messy image. I was out in the village this afternoon, photographing ivy-feeders around the hedgerows, when my … Continued