After doing a couple of bits of cutting back in the garden this morning, I fetched the camera and sat on a garden chair in a (reasonably) sheltered corner, waiting to see if the birds would accept my presence and … Continued
The corn bunting is a red-listed bird in the UK, meaning that it’s regarded as severely endangered, because its population has declined by 90% over the past half century. This is almost entirely due to changes in farming practice, with … Continued
After two days confined to the house I was raging to be out and about, so I took advantage of a lull in the weather this morning and walked to the Vale Landscape Heritage Trust orchard at the foot of … Continued
I was on my way back from an nearby nature reserve, where I’d photographed stonechats, yellowhammers, corn buntings, and (rather strangely) a single female reed bunting, and had watched with joy as a skylark made its singing ascent into the … Continued