
This afternoon I went hunting small early butterflies at a nearby brownfield site with HelenJG and her friend C. We made some pretty good finds, including the first Brown Argus I’d seen this year, and a very unexpected Green Hairstreak, … Continued

Marsh Fritillary

“Good morning!” “Morning.” “Have you seen any Marsh Frits?” “Yes, two. Up there, on the ridge, feeding on buttercups on the far side of the path.” “Wonderful! That’s really helpful – thank you!” “You’re welcome.” Five minutes later: OK… so… … Continued


A busy day today saw me over in Chipping Norton first thing for a haircut, then zooming through to Stratford (roof down to dry my still-damp hair, which is why I now look quite a lot like Struwwelpeter) to insert … Continued

Washing up

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“You go and see him how often?” said a choir friend (with umpteen grandchildren, all now in their teens and twenties, several living within ten miles of her). “Why???” My answer: if you can, why wouldn’t you? At sixteen months … Continued