Orange Tip
After lunch I decided to walk around the village to see if I could find any damselflies, none having emerged yet from either of our ponds. I didn’t see any, though I did spot a fresh caddisfly on the marginal … Continued
After lunch I decided to walk around the village to see if I could find any damselflies, none having emerged yet from either of our ponds. I didn’t see any, though I did spot a fresh caddisfly on the marginal … Continued
R and I had a good day with the Boy Wonder today, though there were times when his insistence on being given something he couldn’t adequately describe or indicate, and his frustration at the grandparental failure to read his arm … Continued
R and I began the day with a walk at Croome. It was sunny, and fairly warm, though still changeable: some dramatic weather blew through from the Malverns while we were there, forcing us to seek temporary shelter. As well … Continued
“Is there any reason I shouldn’t go to Slimbridge this afternoon?” I asked R this morning. “No!” he said. “You go! Have fun!” Almost as though he was sick of me stomping around the house complaining about the weather, and … Continued
At about 9.30 this morning R came and told me that the Orange Tip was still on the hazel twig in the wild garden, and that if I shifted myself there was a good opportunity for me to catch him … Continued