Bless. I think it must be a youngster, to still be so downy. It was fairly outraged that I was pursuing it along the quayside, and this was the last photo I managed before it took itself off to the … Continued
Bless. I think it must be a youngster, to still be so downy. It was fairly outraged that I was pursuing it along the quayside, and this was the last photo I managed before it took itself off to the … Continued
We’re continuing to experience some of the effects of Storm Ciara – though again, nowhere near as badly as some other parts of the country. Here you can see both the surface of the River Avon and the surface of … Continued
Bloods and physio today. Apparently I need to learn to live within my limitations. Hmmm. Down at the river, the mature male swans have lurve on their minds. All the ones that are already paired up are concentrating hard on … Continued
The only photos I took today were in Stratford, at lunch time, of the tufted ducks. Because ducks. But in order to represent the day properly I should have photographed some garden birds, because this afternoon I did the RSPB’s … Continued
It seems as though a weather switch was flipped overnight, and instead of the lovely light of the past few days, today we had to endure unremitting twilight. I spent the morning (grumpily) at my desk, processing and rationalising image … Continued
What a difference a day makes. When R and I went to Stratford this afternoon for our now-traditional end of year meal-out-and-debrief, it was almost impossible for me to believe that yesterday’s glorious weather ever happened. I always like to … Continued