I do like a bit of art deco. And as you’ve probably spotted by now, I also like a nice hopper. So here are two of my favourite things combined, in the form of a small but stylish leafhopper called … Continued
Small things, they say, please small minds. Well, I must have a very small mind indeed, because almost nothing pleases me more than aiming the macro at a tiny creature I’ve never photographed before – especially if I find it … Continued
If you thought the Oxystoma pomonae weevil winter roosting season was over, you weren’t alone – I was surprised to find two pairs at eye height on one of our hazel trees today. And relieved, to be honest, because it … Continued
This afternoon I was on my way out of the door, big gear in hand, when a blast of cutting wind sliced through me, and I realised that spending even an hour sitting still in an open hide in the … Continued
I know: we’re in “same old…” territory here – but I love these tiny guys and I know some other people who do too. And I’m very happy to still be finding them at this point in the winter, especially … Continued