R and I did some heavy gardening today, pruning several large (and in the case of a Banksia rose, vicious) shrubs. It was so warm that the honey bees came out in force, scrambling around the crocuses, snowdrops and hellebores, … Continued
Is it just me, or are the starlings drawing a starling here? Assuming you can see them – it was virtually dark when I took this photo, which is the last of my keepers from this evening. There’s something strange … Continued
This afternoon I was on my way out of the door, big gear in hand, when a blast of cutting wind sliced through me, and I realised that spending even an hour sitting still in an open hide in the … Continued
I know: we’re in “same old…” territory here – but I love these tiny guys and I know some other people who do too. And I’m very happy to still be finding them at this point in the winter, especially … Continued
I don’t remember how I came across pussy willow as a child – I don’t believe that we had any growing in our garden – but I do remember stroking the immature catkins and thinking that they were wonderful. I … Continued