After doing a couple of bits of cutting back in the garden this morning, I fetched the camera and sat on a garden chair in a (reasonably) sheltered corner, waiting to see if the birds would accept my presence and … Continued
In the spirit of the day, I made a poem: The great spotted woodpecker’s lower belly is red, Its cap is very dark blue if looked at in a certain light (though generally described as black), It has some fairly … Continued
“I wouldn’t want him climbing up my leg, that’s for sure.” (RLO) A pair of squirrels in the back garden gave me a couple of minutes of amusement and pleasure this morning, while I was in the kitchen making tea. … Continued
I made up for yesterday’s slobbing around today, by being on my feet nearly all day. This morning I made lamb dansak in the slow cooker, using an excellent recipe I’d seen on Twitter. Then I spent an hour or … Continued
“A woodpecker over there!” hissed the little girl sitting next to me in Hiller’s bird hide this afternoon, She was about eight, and already a competent photographer – I predict that she’ll be very good indeed in a few years, … Continued