After yesterday’s beautifully sunny weather, today was vile, and any chance of us getting the Boy out of doors was stymied by the surprising absence of wellingtons in his huge caravan of baggage. Luckily he was still in charm mode, … Continued
During what turned out to be a busy and productive day, I spent several hours in the garden and managed to weed and tidy the whole of the large rose bed. Once I’d finished I put the sprinkler on it … Continued
I was stalking a tiny and uncooperative Holly Blue around the garden with a long lens this afternoon, when I was distracted by some butterflyish fluttering up in the top of the weeping pear tree. It took me a while … Continued
I think we all know by now that you can’t always believe what you think you’re seeing in a photograph, and in the interests of journalistic integrity I feel I must tell you that my garden was not as tranquil … Continued