Orange-vented Mason Bee

I found it very satisfying to step out of my front door this morning, take two steps across the lawn, and find this pretty female Orange-vented Mason Bee (Osmia leaiana) nectaring on the thistle I’ve left there. I wish I … Continued


R and I went to Hillers this morning for coffee and cake, and I used the opportunity to take a walk around their show garden, which is looking splendid, to check out the plants and see what invertebrates I could … Continued


“Is it,” I asked myself, “maybe a little too early in the season to be posting predation porn?” I considered the question for all of about two seconds, before deciding that it’s never too early. Plus, it seemed only fit … Continued


posted in: Bees, Invertebrates, My garden, Worcestershire | 0

Today was hot and sunny – though nowhere near as hot as the next three days are expected to be – and I turned my back very firmly on all the work that was waiting for me in the house, … Continued


If someone filmed me walking round my garden, looking for invertebrates, and then speeded up the film, I think you could probably set it to the Benny Hill Show theme music: there’s so much stopping and starting, double-taking and reversing, … Continued


I recorded three season firsts today, and I’m posting photos of two of them this evening. The main image, featured at least partly because he was the hardest subject of the day to capture on camera, is a male red … Continued