Osmia bicornis

This morning was very wet and stormy, but the thunderstorms cleared around lunch time and the afternoon was mostly warm and sunny – though scudding clouds still blew through and changed the light quite dramatically from time to time. The … Continued


It’s not at all easy for a very large bumblebee to feed from the very small blossom of a blackcurrant bush, and this Bombus terrestris queen had a fairly torrid time trying. Nevertheless she persisted, and from time to time … Continued

Speckled Wood

I was stalking a tiny and uncooperative Holly Blue around the garden with a long lens this afternoon, when I was distracted by some butterflyish fluttering up in the top of the weeping pear tree. It took me a while … Continued

Spring green

“You’ve been having that conversation with yourself for a good ten minutes now!” said R.  Actually, it was more like an hour. Stay in or go out? Cheltenham or somewhere else? Too early for Green Hairstreaks at such a high … Continued