
I went to Trench Wood this afternoon, for the first time this year – not really expecting to find very much, but on the remote off chance that it might be teeming with inverts. It wasn’t, but I did spot … Continued


My back, which has been niggling me for about a fortnight now, was so bad when I woke up this morning that it took me nearly an hour to get myself upright, and even then it needed heavy strapping before … Continued


I put my back out overnight, which wasn’t the brightest idea I’ve had all week. A session on the shakti mat and some judicious stretching eventually got me moving, but by this point it was late morning, and hot, and … Continued

A flutter of Admirals

R and I went to Stratford this morning to run errands and eat cake, and I offset the cake a little by taking a rapid walk down to Weir Brake lock in search of dragons. I didn’t find any, probably … Continued

White legs

After being stuck at home for nearly forty eight hours I was raging to be out and about, but the weather outside my study window wasn’t enticing, and neither of my weather apps was optimistic. By this point in the … Continued