
This morning’s internal debate went something like this: Draycote Water? Ferruginous Duck and Black-necked Grebe; huge area, so not necessarily good for photos, but lots of easy walking; car park; coffee; nearly an hour away, and quite often frustrating… Grafton … Continued


Every year I try to make myself love Grafton Wood, but I’ve never managed it yet. It’s a flagship reserve for the local branch of Butterfly Conservation, having breeding populations of both Purple and Brown Hairstreaks, along with Wood White, … Continued


I was feeling somewhat over-mature myself by the time I encountered this old female Common Darter this afternoon, and I suppose it could be fellow-feeling that makes her my subject of the day. I did rather like her subdued geriatric … Continued

Brown Hairstreak

Operation Find the Fish began after breakfast today, when I carefully removed all the plants from the wildlife pond. I hadn’t expected this to be easy, but it was actually a bit of a nightmare, because the more fragile ones … Continued