Beauty and the beast

“Oh, there you are, Beautiful!” I said. “I thought I’d lost you. Thanks for hanging around.” I admit to having looked over my shoulder quickly to make sure no-one else was in earshot, but I make no apology for talking … Continued


I was absent-mindedly stalking some tiny 22-spot ladybirds around the honeysuckle this morning, as they trundled about looking for the mildew on which they feed, when a comparatively huge something (12mm in length, as opposed to around 4mm for the … Continued

End of days

After making a batch of lamb dhansak and leaving it simmering in the slow cooker, I decided that it was high time I took myself off on a little invertebrate hunt. I set off for Trench Wood, but half way … Continued


R and I set off for home this morning (though pledging to return to Suffolk, with which we’ve both fallen rather in love), breaking the journey at Paxton Pits in Cambridgeshire so that I could spend a couple of hours … Continued