I made a lightning macro raid on the garden this morning, before R and I set off to collect the Boy Wonder and bring him home for the weekend. The weather was threatening, so a lot of invertebrates were staying … Continued
I made a lightning macro raid on the garden this morning, before R and I set off to collect the Boy Wonder and bring him home for the weekend. The weather was threatening, so a lot of invertebrates were staying … Continued
Today felt more like October than June, and I spent much of the morning at my desk, grumpily processing old photo files while keeping one eye on the weather outside my study window. By noon it was at least not … Continued
In the last couple of days the ladybirds in my garden have looked rather overwhelmed by the thousands of aphids currently massed on the yarrow. Now though, there are some new predators in town, and these ones really are eating … Continued
I’d been planning to go out in search of photos today, but in the event I spent several hours grovelling around in the flower beds, recording the tiny dramas I found going on there. I can’t abide human soap operas, … Continued
I can’t decide whether this reminds me more of a lion gazing at a herd of wildebeest, or the confrontation between the Fellowship of the Ring and the Balrog in the Mines of Moria. If there’s one thing we’re all … Continued
I’m aware that not everyone likes bug porn, or photos of insects eating other insects. But I know quite a few people who do, and today’s post is for them. This morning was bright and sunny, but I had work … Continued
This one’s probably not for the squeamish – so if that’s you, I apologise. You can be thankful though that in a still photo you can’t see the unfortunate victim (which I think is some kind of cricket nymph) struggling … Continued