R and I had a hectic morning, making final preparations for the family weekend. The Welsh contingent arrived mid-afternoon, but H was delayed in horrible traffic on the M1 and only made it down just in time for dinner. As … Continued
“Would you like to go to Forest Farm?” I asked the Boy Wonder. “In a minute,” he replied, carrying on building his bricks into a rocket. A little later: “Shall we go to Forest Farm now?” said R. “No,” was … Continued
R and I went to Stratford this morning to run errands and eat cake, and I offset the cake a little by taking a rapid walk down to Weir Brake lock in search of dragons. I didn’t find any, probably … Continued
Looking at this, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it was a nice day, but it was not. The ferocious wind and periodic bouts of lashing rain have had me almost at screaming pitch, and by this afternoon I was … Continued
… keep falling on my…. neck. Or more accurately on my pronotum and elytra. That scans beautifully, I’m sure you’ll agree. I’m really quite pleased with it. Although it’s possible that I’m having a fever dream: I have the Boy … Continued
“We’ve brought you some new wellies,” said R. “Let me see,” said the Boy Wonder. “Oh! Lellow! Lellow wellies!” The lellow wellies came in pretty useful at Forest Farm this morning, because just after we arrived the sky blackened, and … Continued