Coitus interruptus

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So there you are, minding your own business and doing what comes naturally, when firstly some idiot arrives with a camera and points a huge lens at you, and then the neighbours get uppity. It’s a good thing you have … Continued

Dotted bee-fly

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Looking, I think, like a tiny, furry narwhal. If you have the time, please do look full-screen. I daresay my garden has harboured bee-flies for donkey’s years, but I spotted my first one ever about a fortnight ago. That was … Continued

Mono Monday: The Environment

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From the moment just before 8am when one of the scaffolders hammered on the front door and asked me if I would please move the car I’d tucked neatly out of the way on the verge outside the garden wall … Continued


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This is the crab apple which I posted last Monday, with its buds still furled and dripping wet. Today, although the air was still cold, the sun came out (along with a lot of lovely bugs), and when I crossed … Continued

Snow day

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What on earth is happening with the weather? Forgive me if I’m sounding like one of those tedious people who think that everything was better forty years ago, but I’m certain the seasons used to be more predictable than this. … Continued


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The Bachmen were now closely monitoring the activities of The Slattern; the Bachmanager was making detailed entries in a spreadsheet, and intended to present her with some informative graphs at her next performance appraisal. Today, although reluctant to do anything … Continued


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I thought you might like a break from bugs today. And if I’m totally honest, I needed a bit of a break myself – it took me until well into this afternoon to finish processing my shots from yesterday, establishing … Continued

Bug hotels, and bling

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I’d been thinking of taking a trip out today with the wide-angle lens, in honour of Wide Angle Wednesday being revived under the patronage of BobsBlips; but the weather was so nice, and my guilt level about the state of … Continued


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I’ve been trying to photograph a female hairy-footed flower bee since I saw the first ones last Saturday, but they’re skittish and don’t like being pursued by a photographer. Much like many females of the human persuasion, I suppose – … Continued

Mono Monday: A New Beginning

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Or in this case, a wet beginning. I woke this morning, and thought “Gardening!” Then I opened the curtains, and thought “Or then again – maybe not.” It was heaving down; and it has rained relentlessly through most of the … Continued