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The Bachmen were now closely monitoring the activities of The Slattern; the Bachmanager was making detailed entries in a spreadsheet, and intended to present her with some informative graphs at her next performance appraisal. Today, although reluctant to do anything which would reinforce her apparent belief that housework was performed overnight by elves, they felt that they must at least check if the gerberas she bought last week were still in good enough condition to be photographed for Flower Friday. They were pleasantly surprised to find that for once her decision-making had been adequate, and the gerberas remained blippable.

This is an eight shot focus stack. And no, you’re not the first person to find yourself wondering if I might possibly have too much time on my hands. Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday – though she’s surely far too busy at the moment, sunning herself in Florida with a band of blippers, to be actually looking at our flower photos. Not that I’m jealous… oh no – not even slightly!