Wet play

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The weather wasn’t actually wet – just gloomy and dull. But I was wet. And sticky. Equipment used: 70D, on a tripod On-camera flash, with diffuser 85mm lens 12mm extension tube Cable release Bowl of water Quantity of Bottlegreen pomegranate … Continued

Mono Monday: Money

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This might look like a coin, but in fact it was never legal tender; however in their day tokens like this changed hands freely as a form of money. In the second half of the C18th Britain suffered from significant … Continued

In remembrance

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For reasons that are not entirely clear to me there are two war memorials in the graveyard of Middle Littleton parish church, and memorial wreaths are laid at the other one. However I still made a silent personal salute at … Continued

Birthday boy

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“Oh good heavens! I don’t want any birthday fuss at my age! No, really – when you’ve had as many birthdays as I have, it’s just another day in the calendar… Sorry – what was that? (Bit deaf now…) Oh … Continued

I don’t want to worry you…

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… but my Christmas cactus is feeling festive, which means it’s probably time to put the sprouts on. Actually, this may well not be the only one of these you see this Flower Friday – I’ve noticed a few on friends’ … Continued

Remember, remember

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Tonight I made my first attempt to photograph fireworks: I had thought I might be able to find a good vantage point from which to snap the Evesham town display without dragging a tripod through a muddy field with several … Continued


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R and I have both been sad and worried today. Roley the Jack Russell terrier has had a cough since late last week; I took him to the vet on Monday, but despite a very thorough examination she couldn’t find … Continued


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I’ve surprised myself by choosing this photo to post today: I’ve been rather smugly congratulating myself on creating two focus-stacked images of the same lily in Photoshop (the first time I’ve ever done focus stacking), and I assumed that one … Continued

Mono Monday: Time

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“I wonder how long it took the spider to make this web?” “When did I last clean the car?” “If I try to rescue the spider and put it somewhere else, will I be on time for my appointment?” “If … Continued

Grandmother’s footsteps

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I spent far more time today than was sensible stalking squirrels. This morning we had Nick and Zorro on the bird feeders at the same time, and I managed some slightly spooky shots of them through the fog. They were … Continued