Messy eater

posted in: Hoverflies, Invertebrates, Worcestershire | 0

The devil’s-bit scabious is in full flower at Trench Wood right now, and with the continuing warm weather keeping the numbers of nectar-feeding insects high, today it was in high demand. While this was good for my purposes in that … Continued


posted in: Butterflies, Invertebrates, Oxfordshire | 0

I drove over to Oxfordshire this morning, to look for Silver-spotted Skippers and Adonis Blues on Watlington Hill. I found some Skippers, along with a few Small Heath and a gazillion Brown Argus and Common Blues, but no Adonis. Back … Continued


I put my back out overnight, which wasn’t the brightest idea I’ve had all week. A session on the shakti mat and some judicious stretching eventually got me moving, but by this point it was late morning, and hot, and … Continued


Weather: Biblical. Mood: Apocalyptic. When the storm abated briefly, I rushed out with the camera to try to grab some images, heading straight to the spots in the garden that have most reliably provided me with invertebrates over the past … Continued


While R and I were working in the garden this morning there were three Southern Hawkers hunting around us – two males and a female. One of the males was showing mature colouration, the female slightly less so (making her … Continued