I was feeling jaded and peevish this morning, and I only managed to overcome an almost unconquerable desire to stay tucked up in bed all day with a good book* by throwing myself bodily into some clothes, scooping up all … Continued
This morning R and I cleaned every remaining reception room bar the snug, and decked them out in Christmas glitz. After lunch we went off to Evesham to run separate errands, meeting up afterwards in the Waitrose cafĂ©, which is … Continued
The aim of this exercise is to stand on a step and place your chin on the riser below you, while stretching your arms straight back behind you – ideally without falling on your head. Note that this position is … Continued
For about the past two decades, there has been an issue around one of my canine teeth, alternately grumbling and flaring, which successive dental hygienists have tried and failed to fix. Today I finally allowed myself to be sent to … Continued