After lunch the Boy Wonder asked to go to the park, and for the first time chose to walk all the way there. By the time we were about a hundred metres from the gate he was clearly flagging, but … Continued
After lunch the Boy Wonder asked to go to the park, and for the first time chose to walk all the way there. By the time we were about a hundred metres from the gate he was clearly flagging, but … Continued
Starting at 5.45am with the piping alarm call, “Granma! GRANMA!”, the Boy Wonder and his maternal oldies had a busy and fun-filled morning: breakfast, car ride with singing, Stratford playground, feeding of swans and geese on the Avon (no ducks … Continued
R and I went to Cardiff today, to meet up with our co-grandparents and help B and his parents celebrate his 2nd birthday. The Boy Wonder was on top form, and we had an excellent day. At the end of … Continued
What is this? Why is it not like anything else? What happens when I pull it? Why are you talking to me when I’m clearly very busy? What is this stuff…? Baby B is taking Leap 4 very seriously, and … Continued