As I walked back to the house this morning after a trip down the garden to put some kitchen refuse on the compost heap, I wondered what on earth I was going to find to photograph on such a dark, … Continued
As I walked back to the house this morning after a trip down the garden to put some kitchen refuse on the compost heap, I wondered what on earth I was going to find to photograph on such a dark, … Continued
The first time R and I drove down this road he said in tones of disbelief, “Some lucky b*****s actually live here!” Which they definitely do, because I was scowled at by some of them today as I wandered around … Continued
If you’re going to put up Christmas decorations, you might as well do the job properly. Otherwise what’s the point? R and I took a trip to Broadway this afternoon, in the middle of another full-on busy day. The good … Continued
R and I spent the day over in Wales with Baby B, having not seen him for almost a fortnight, and had absolutely the best time. As on out last visit, we spent quite a bit of time sorting things … Continued
We have become a grandmother. M. Thatcher, 1989 Baby B was born in Cardiff in the small hours of New Year’s Eve, to the absolute delight of a quartet of cheering grandparents. His story, and that of his parents, is … Continued
When L and G got married last year they chose not to have a traditional wedding cake. Instead they asked close friends and family to contribute a favourite cake, all of which were laid out on a buffet table at … Continued
R and I had booked a walk around Charlecote this morning, and were blessed, as you can see, with a beautiful day. The fallow herd was not having a good morning however: when we checked in at the reception point … Continued