Lord Buckethead

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Every now and then the Boy Wonder invents a new joke, and his pleasure in it is something special to see. If it’s received well by the grown-ups, he works it up and polishes it, to see if he can … Continued

The Manager

posted in: Family life | 0

“Zzzzz,” said Baby B as we walked out into the garden, jiggling his hand up and down to indicate the flight of a bee. “OK, ” I said, “we can look for a bee. But I don’t think we’re going … Continued

Washing up

posted in: Family life | 0

“You go and see him how often?” said a choir friend (with umpteen grandchildren, all now in their teens and twenties, several living within ten miles of her). “Why???” My answer: if you can, why wouldn’t you? At sixteen months … Continued


posted in: Family life | 0

Several times today (notably when he was roaring at me this afternoon, for not peeling his orange fast enough) I wanted to say to B, “Who are you, little boy, and what have you done with my baby grandson?” He’s … Continued

Bug spotting

Poor Baby B wasn’t his best self this morning: due to a combination of yet another cold, and (we suspect) some more teething, he was distinctly fraj, and moved from smiles and games to stormy tears on the turn of … Continued