
posted in: Family life | 0

Another rollercaster day down in the Principality: there was engagement and frustration, there were chuckles and tears, there was bouncing around and then falling into an exhausted doze. And that was just me – Baby B had quite a busy … Continued

Finely balanced

posted in: Family life | 0

Do you remember when sitting up required a massive amount of concentration, the involvement of all ten fingers and toes, and the production of quite a lot of dribble? No, me neither. But I sense that I’m heading back in … Continued


posted in: Family life | 0

R and I had a brilliant day with Baby B today: much chatting and telling of jokes occurred, along with some poetry, and even a little harmony singing. I don’t know where L heard the suggestion that a four-month baby … Continued


posted in: Family life | 0

Mummy’s Number 1 figured out how to do this today, after a sneaky hint from Grandma. I’m not sure I’ve done his sleep-deprived parents a favour, to be honest, because he can’t hold his upper body up for very long … Continued

Leaping boots

posted in: Family life | 0

Baby B seems to be entering Leap 4, which caused a certain amount of alarm and distress today, not least in his grandparents, and is said to last a month. I’m sure it must help L and G to know … Continued


posted in: Family life | 0

Baby B wasn’t on his best sparkling form today. I think he’s probably reached  Leap 3, because we definitely saw more than usual of the ‘Three Cs’ – clinginess, crankiness and crying. He’s interested in things in the outside world, … Continued