Unexpected find

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After a morning at my desk, glancing out of the window occasionally to see if it was still raining, and discovering that it was, I finally made it out into the garden with the camera at lunch time. I’d taken … Continued

Eau sauvage

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A successful and well-respected photographer of my acquaintance is of the opinion (frequently and firmly expressed) that it’s impossible to take an interesting photograph of a swan. Despite – or possibly probably because of – this, I keep trying to … Continued


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This is a female Myathropa florea – commonly called the Batman hoverfly, though I’ve also seen it called the death-head hoverfly, because of a thoracic marking that you can see quite well in a picture of a different individual which … Continued

Blue Morpho

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I was in Stratford again this morning to help take down the camera club exhibition, and reclaim my own prints. Enough of us turned up to make this a very efficient process, and it only took one of the three … Continued


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Knowing that this is the time when they’re most visible, I’ve been looking for a nice big garden spider for the past few days, and today I finally found this beauty. She has spun her web between one of my … Continued

Migrant Hawker

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An entertaining time was had by one and all on Lucy’s Mill Bridge in Stratford today: the Migrant Hawkers were entertaining me and R, and I was – apparently – entertaining everyone else. Every time a total stranger says to … Continued

Fallow Friday

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I nearly went with Fretful Fallow Friday because she does look slightly anxious – but decided that it would be pushing the alliteration. We are not The Sun, after all. I was back in Stratford this morning, stewarding the camera … Continued


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R and I drove over to Witney in Oxfordshire today, to meet Child One at the wedding emporium where The Dress has now arrived. Which is to say that I met her, admired The Dress all over again, complimented her … Continued

Old blue eyes

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There wasn’t much going on at the pond in Trench Wood today other than the frantic mating activity of the Common Darters, which seemed to be everywhere I looked – and even where I wasn’t looking, the tell-tale scrunched cellophane … Continued

Ivy bee

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I was due to be in Stratford all afternoon, to help steward the current BGCC exhibition, so I went out around the village with the macro this morning (and by doing that managed to catch the best of the day’s … Continued