We met the newlyweds for lunch today, and had another enjoyable debriefing session, before heading off to Raglan Castle. I quite like a ruined castle, though they are a bit samey, and I suspect that they may all have been … Continued
This morning about twenty of us gathered for breakfast (cooked by the Junior Chapter of the bridal party) and then we thrashed through the process of clearing up, dismantling the decorations, and organising the removal of people, props, and leftover … Continued
R and I spent the morning playing Luggage Tetris with both cars, and finally succeeded in filling every available square centimetre of space that wasn’t required for a driver, with clothes/equipment/supplies for The Wedding. Then, realising that we’d neglected to … Continued
This is an immature female Blue-tailed Damselfly. The books tell you that there are five female colourways in this species, and that they start out either green (typica), lilac (violacea), or coral pink (rufescens); but this little female was green … Continued
Back in the 1980s red kites were extinct in England and Scotland, and there were just a few breeding pairs left in Wales – something that’s hard to remember now, since a stunningly successful reintroduction programme, coupled with legal protection, … Continued