Against the lore

Owling lore has it that Short-eared Owls don’t hunt in bad weather. I’ve said it myself, with great confidence, on many occasions. It used to be widely believed, including by me, that this was because their feathers aren’t waterproof, but … Continued


I used to have a tall Euphorbia characias Wulfenii in the middle of the rose bed in the back garden which was mildly popular with Andrena fulva females, and for several years I would haunt this plant through April and May, … Continued

Spring fresh

posted in: Bees, Invertebrates, My garden, Worcestershire | 0

I have two lovely fresh female mining bees for you today, both photographed in the brief window of opportunity between our last weekend guests leaving in sunshine at lunch time, and the weather closing in less than an hour later. … Continued


We had another busy, productive, and tiring day in the garden – mainly weeding and tidying, but R also cut back a tree that was getting above itself, and I did more patio planting. I also found some more excellent … Continued