Unexpected owl
It was supposed to be at least partly sunny up at the owl field this afternoon, but as you can see, it wasn’t. It was also supposed to be reasonably warm, and it wasn’t that either. And as for owls… … Continued
It was supposed to be at least partly sunny up at the owl field this afternoon, but as you can see, it wasn’t. It was also supposed to be reasonably warm, and it wasn’t that either. And as for owls… … Continued
Is it just me, or are the starlings drawing a starling here? Assuming you can see them – it was virtually dark when I took this photo, which is the last of my keepers from this evening. There’s something strange … Continued
Today was my day for being deprived of a morning, my dignity, and much of the Offspring’s potential inheritance, at the dental practice in Coventry. On the plus side, I got gold stars for the state of my canine tooth, … Continued
The current estimate of the number of starlings roosting in the reed beds at Ham Wall is around 100,000, and having stood in the midst of them and heard the noise they make, I’m not going to quibble with that … Continued