Quite a bit of the Boy Wonder’s morning was spent in our kitchen, helping us to wrap his Daddy’s birthday presents – both the rock cookies we made yesterday, and the gifts R and I had bought for G – … Continued
Quite a bit of the Boy Wonder’s morning was spent in our kitchen, helping us to wrap his Daddy’s birthday presents – both the rock cookies we made yesterday, and the gifts R and I had bought for G – … Continued
This is the best year for Common Mourning Bees that I ever remember – the males, at least, of which I have at least four currently patrolling the top garden. I haven’t yet seen a female, but I’m quite sanguine … Continued
Back in the C19th it was fashionable to believe that you could tell what kind of personality someone had, or how they might behave, by looking at their facial features (physiognomy) and measuring their skull (phrenology). An Italian professor of … Continued
Yes – hello to you too. You didn’t have to stand on top of the rosemary and wave at me, actually: I’d already spotted you. The first site I checked for invertebrates today was this large rosemary bush, which is … Continued