New Year’s Eve
R and I went to Stratford for lunch today, as we like to do on New Year’s Eve. At the third time of trying we finally managed a meal at the Turquoise Kitchen (the previous two bookings having had to … Continued
R and I went to Stratford for lunch today, as we like to do on New Year’s Eve. At the third time of trying we finally managed a meal at the Turquoise Kitchen (the previous two bookings having had to … Continued
The Boy Wonder brought his mother to see us again today, and so as to give L the time and space to do some work R and I offered to take the Boy to Stratford Butterfly Farm. We had a … Continued
First thing after breakfast this morning I loaded the slow cooker with a huge batch of ragu, and then set off for Stratford with R to run some errands. Despite yesterday’s deluge, we were unprepared for the discovery that the … Continued
We were in Stratford this morning, running errands, when R spotted the bicycle piano busker Rimski in the Bancroft Gardens, surrounded as usual by a crowd of amused onlookers. We haven’t seen him for a while (it’s nearly three years … Continued
I had a hospital appointment in Stratford this morning, at a time when under normal circumstances I’d barely be starting to think about getting up. It was a bit of a shock to the system, to be honest, to both … Continued
Stratford being the kind of place it is, no-one turned a hair. Let’s face it, in a town where even this doesn’t look especially out of place, you’re going to have to work quite hard to get a reaction. I … Continued
In my childhood, morris was performed politely by men in cricket whites and bowler hats, and I always found it jaw-clenchingly embarrassing. Since then it has gone back to its anarchic folk roots, and I think it’s the better for … Continued
R and I went into Stratford for lunch today. A passable morning was in the throes of turning into a gloomy afternoon, so while R went ahead to get the wine in, I walked along the river in search of … Continued