The Big Birthday

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Thanks to everyone who posted good wishes for R’s birthday celebration today. We have had a lovely family day, and I think that so far he’s finding being 60 pretty much like being 59, but with more presents. As the … Continued

Painted Lady

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This morning was warm and sunny – and yet there was a kind of edge to the air that made it feel as though autumn was just around the corner. I walked the dogs through a field where there was … Continued

Wash and brush up

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I believe that this is Syritta pipiens, the thick-legged hoverfly. After gingerly stepping on the bathroom scales this morning, I sympathise with her – it appears that I ate all the food in London over the weekend, and it’s absolutely … Continued

Mono Monday: Work

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This steward was looking a little weary at the Natural History Museum this lunch time, and I can’t say I’m surprised – the place was absolutely rammed. When we arrived at 10.30am we were directed away from the main entrance … Continued

London Day 3

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We began the day at Tate Britain, which is a wonderful gallery – I could have spent half a day there with no problem at all. They also have a great cafe! Then we had an appointment to meet R’s … Continued

London Day 2: Greenwich

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After breakfast (which is worth a mention – K+K hotels do a seriously good buffet breakfast) we tubed down to Westminster and took a river cruise out to Greenwich. The river trip lasted about 45 minutes, and the skipper treated … Continued

London Day 1

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When I asked R what he wanted to do to celebrate the Big Birthday, he decided on a few days in London doing touristy things with me, followed by a family meal out on the day itself. We lived in … Continued


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This poor, tatty Gatekeeper butterfly isn’t long for this world, I fear – it was moving so slowly this afternoon that I had no trouble keeping up with it. It was drinking from a blackberry flower. After a busy day … Continued


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A couple of times in the past few weeks I’ve seen something in the village that looked like a black and red butterfly, but which research suggested was probably a Cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae). Then I saw a photo of … Continued

Common Blue

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Common perhaps, but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen one. I was standing in the kitchen doorway, listening to the sound of someone nearby repeatedly revving what I think was the outboard motor of a dinghy and wishing I … Continued