Exquisite table manners

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What a day! I completed my first ever tax return on line. I know. Yes, I really am as old as you think I am – but please don’t scoff.  The thing is that for years my tax affairs were … Continued

Snap, crackle and pop

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The engineer arrived at about 11am to fix the tumble dryer, so I was able to get out for a walk with the dogs before noon. I discovered that it’s quite difficult operating a DSLR one-handed because you’ve got two … Continued

Mother and Child Reunion

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It was cold, dark and blowy this morning, and I was in an equally horrid mood. I was wandering about in my dressing gown like Waynetta Slob, unmotivated to do anything useful, when I spotted this pair of green woodpeckers … Continued

Mono Monday: Spring

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Sometimes Nature conspires in your favour. I’ve been uprooting self-sown seedlings of oil-seed rape for a couple of months now, but when I noticed another one last weekend, I thought, “Spring!”, and left it where it was. This morning I … Continued

Turned out wet again

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But what is our mantra? Our mantra is: “Well, the garden needed it!” Actually, it’s starting to be questionable if the garden needs much more just now – in the past few days the ground has gone from the consistency … Continued

Green woodpecker

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I was cleaning my teeth this morning when R came upstairs and told me that there was a green woodpecker on the patch of mixed straw, moss, weeds and ants’ nests which for no obvious reason we call “the front … Continued

Wet play

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It’s been heaving down all day and I thought I might have to play indoors again – but I got so wet (and oily) taking yesterday’s shot that in the end I decided outside couldn’t be much worse than that, … Continued

Rose oil

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Today has been the kind of day on which your life partner decides that you’re not going to get round to choosing a new cooker any time soon to replace the one whose main oven door now completely fails to … Continued

Wheat field

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The weather today was very autumnal, which seems a bit harsh as we’re not yet at the end of July. It felt very much like a sitting at my desk kind of day – and goodness knows I do need … Continued

Cotswold Lavender

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It was warm and sunny in our little valley this morning, but I had to go to Stow-on-the-Wold and when I reached the top of the Cotswold Edge I was surprised to discover that autumn had apparently arrived – it … Continued