No, seriously – is it…..? No, it can’t be Tuesday because I remember doing Tuesday about five days ago. And we had pizza on Wednesday, so that’s already been and gone. So is it…? Oh – no….. they collected the bins yesterday, which happens on a Thursday. So this must be Friday.
Yes, it’s Friday. I remember Fridays. We used to like them.
Some bloke I’d never heard of (and will probably never hear of again), whose Twitter bio reads “I tweet my life and business lessons / my agency helps take personal brands to 7 figures monthly” spake thusly today:
If you don’t come out of this quarantine with either:
1.) a new skill
2.) starting what you’ve been putting off like a new business
3.) more knowledge
You didn’t ever lack the time, you lacked the discipline
Now, where to start? I’d like to start with the punctuation, but that would just be petty. So I’ll step around that, and say: I beg to disagree. In my opinion, if you go through this quarantine without putting anyone else at risk, or placing any kind of needless strain on the country’s health service or other infrastructure, and emerge with your physical and mental health intact, you’ve done all that anyone could reasonably ask of you. If you’re on top of all that, and want to use your enforced down-time (assuming you’re actually furloughed, and not trying to carry on your normal working life over Zoom while home-schooling your children) to learn Japanese, build a nuclear fusion drive, or propose a workable solution for the conflict in the Middle East – take a round of applause, because you deserve it. But if anyone tells you during all of this that you should be improving yourself or risk being considered a failure, feel free to tell them to jog on. As Twitter has been doing for much of the day (in far more colourful prose than that) to Mister I Tweet My Life.
Lockdown Family Film Club this evening: I Tonya on Netflix. Excellent – I recommend it. The whole cast was good, but Margot Robbie and Alison Janney were outstanding.