Blue Chaser, Take Two

After spending the morning sorting out financial stuff at my desk I decided it was time to tackle the small mountain of errands I’d amassed, so I devised a round-Warwickshire tour that would encompass them all. Somehow it also managed … Continued

Blue Chaser

Wait – what? Blue, you say? But… he’s red…? Well, yes, at the moment he’s red – or reddish, at any rate. But as he matures his thorax will darken through brown to black, his abdomen will acquire a coating … Continued

Guard duty

Male Four-spotted Chasers don’t hover much – they tend to spend their time alternately chasing about after females and rivals, and perching on favoured stems or leaves from which they can keep watch for females or rivals entering their territory. … Continued


On my way along the Roman Road at lunch time, heading for the Heart of England Forest at Barton, I experienced another low-level fly-over by the Red Arrows. All along the road people were parking their cars wherever they could … Continued


I’ve been battling with myself for the past ten minutes: this is one of the nicest photos I took today, but the extra is the most exciting. In the end I’ve decided to give the Azure Damselflies pride of place, … Continued