I made a lightning macro raid on the garden this morning, before R and I set off to collect the Boy Wonder and bring him home for the weekend. The weather was threatening, so a lot of invertebrates were staying … Continued
I made a lightning macro raid on the garden this morning, before R and I set off to collect the Boy Wonder and bring him home for the weekend. The weather was threatening, so a lot of invertebrates were staying … Continued
When I found a pair of asparagus beetles in cop on my wild asparagus a few days ago, I was delighted with them, and offended on their behalf to discover that they’re regarded as common. There is, I read, another … Continued
I’d been planning an early trip to Trench Wood this morning, but the weather forecast told me it was likely to be stormy there, and even though I didn’t really believe it, this isn’t a place where you want to … Continued
I’d happily have used any of the images in today’s Facebook post for my blip tonight, but these asparagus beetles and the black and yellow longhorn are both new records for the garden, which makes them especially pleasing. I have … Continued
When a dull and overcast morning suddenly gave way to a bright, warm and sunny afternoon, and I wandered out with the camera to see what invertebrates were about, I almost punched the air when I spotted this wasp beetle: … Continued
“What are you going to do for your nine-year thingy?” enquired R yesterday. “Oh, bugger,” I said. “I’d completely forgotten.” And then, “I’m going to go to Trench Wood, and find nine interesting invertebrates.” Several things occur to me about … Continued
Unexpectedly, the sun came out today – defying the weather forecast, which continued to predict cloud even as the garden glowed in the low, golden sunlight. Over the course of the morning the temperature slowly climbed, and by the time … Continued
This isn’t the most appealing photo I took today – that would be the spooning Oxystoma pomonae weevils below – but it’s a first for me (unlike my favourite weevils), and that’s enough to get it into pole position this … Continued